Favourite Christmas Recipes

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Chocolate Marzipan Cherries


Glace Cherries
Marzipan (almond paste)
Dark (bitter-sweet) Chocolate for dipping

Putting it together:

Wrap each glace cherry in a small amount of marzipan. Form into a ball.
Break or chop the chocolate in to small pieces and place in a bowl.
Gently melt the chocolate over a pan of hot water.

Dip the marzipan covered cherries using two forks. Put the chocolates on baking paper to set.

It is best to use Marzipan (almond paste) and not almond icing for these sweets.

Tips for Working with Chocolate;

  • chocolate is best melted gently in a bowl over a pan of hot water.
  • be careful water doesn't get in to the chocolate or it will spoil.
  • take great care not to over heat the chocolate or it will not set well.
  • if the chocolate gets too hot will need to temper it and this is rather fiddly.

