Favourite Christmas Recipes

Gingerbread house. Return to recipes

Fruit Mincemeat


675g (1 1/2 lb) raisins
100g (4 oz) candied peel
450g (1 lb) cooking apples
350g (12 oz) currants
225g (8 oz) sultanas
175g (6 oz) shredded suet
450g (1 lb) soft brown sugar
1/2 level teaspoon mixed spice
2 lemons
6 tablespoons sherry, brandy, whiskey or rum

Putting it together:

Finely chop the raising and peel.
Peel, core and grate, chop or mince the apples
Place all the fruit (except lemons), suet and spice in a large bowl.
Add the grated rind and juice of the lemons and the alcohol. Mix very well.
Cover the bowl with a cloth and leave to stand overnight.
Turn into sterilized jars. Cover and label the jars.


If you run out of time to make your own, purchase a good quality commercial variety. Put it into a bowl and mix with a little sherry, brandy, whiskey or rum to taste. Put the mixture into jars.

Finishing the jars:

Cover the jars with festive paper or fabric and tie with ribbon or gold cord. Attach attractive labels and remember to date the jars.

Recipe sent in by Ruth, Lauder

